Thursday, August 27, 2020

Shianne Buie Professor Hairr PHI 215-FN1 December Essays

Shianne Buie Professor Hairr PHI 215-FN1 December Essays Shianne Buie Professor Hairr PHI 215-FN1 December first, 2017 Towards the finish of his scandalous preliminary, the prestigious savant Socrates is said to have articulated the announcement, a n unexamined life was not worth living before his capital punishment. Many have contemplated over what the man implied by this and have thought of their own different answers. Some accept that Socrates was alluding to an existence of being unexamined, as an existence of individuals not recognizing his reality, to be futile. While others state that he was just alluding to the way that outcast would be more awful than death due to the fatigue or disconnection he would confront. Anyway I sense that the words have an a lot further significance totally. Since Socrates thought a piece uniquely in contrast to average men, I feel that he accepted his life would have no significance if he somehow managed to disavow his convictions and rather capitulate to those of others. By taking a gander at what sor t of man Socrates had been, what he showed his understudies and his steadfast purpose to remain by his standards until the end. I have accumulated that h is explanation implied that carrying on with a real existence which spun around submitting to the convictions of another person was not worth living by any stretch of the imagination. It is the premise of reasoning to pose inquiries and think of better approaches for survey ones whole presence and everything about existence itself. The quantity of thoughts that have originated from individuals who have conflicted with the norm just demonstrates how significant deduction for ones self truly is. Socrates himself is known as the clench hand present day rationalist for a valid justification, he addressed everything that was viewed as completely concrete inside his general public. While others acknowledged what they were advised to decisively, Socrates rather addressed everything that he was told was valid. Accordingly he thought of his own thoughts in regards to the Gods which the Greek individuals had adore for such a long time. His freshly discovered ways of thinking in the long run lead to him to be marked by the senior age as an untouchable and even a backstabber. Despite the fact that even notwithstanding difficulty he stayed honorable and kept on spreading his insight any place he went, even in court. His preliminary itself is an ideal case of Socrates' opinion of life and how he decided to live it. Fortunately his understudies were there to record the occasions in light of the fact that in any case reality and intelligence of his words may have been lost until the end of time. Socrates put together his lessons with respect to his convictions and instructed his adherents to have an independent mind so they would not lead a unexamined life. He didn't need people in the future just following in the strides of past, he needed to verify that the youngsters were more imaginative than their forerunners. His goa ls were neither vindictive or deceptive, he had no desire to lead an uprising or turn his understudies against their families and over and over expressed the same amount of during his preliminary. Socrates multiple times took up the charge that he tainted the youthful, demanding that, on the off chance that he debased them, he did so reluctantly; yet assuming reluctantly, he ought to be told, not indicted ( Mulvaney , 2012) However his investigators and a significant number of his understudy ' s families totally would not see things that way. They saw his lessons as a methods for turning the more youthful age against the very estimations of their general public and requested Socrates be accused of treachery. All on the grounds that the man just needed to show the youthful grown-ups how to have an independent mind, how startling to be sure. In spite of the fact that I will say that he had a significant impact on his understudies, genuinely they even appeared to have adored him a pi ece. In spite of the fact that it is my sentiment that this appreciation was because of him really allowing them to shape their own thoughts instead of have some else power their convictions on them. Significantly after death Socrates had a significant impact western way of thinking through crafted by his understudies. They went on to incredible things furnished with his lessons, his most well known understudy Plato become a famous thinker himself and his own

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Rocking Horse Winner vs the Destructor Free Essays

â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† by DH Lawrence and â€Å"The Destructors† by Graham Greene were both composed post wars where neediness was rich. These two fiction stories are expounded on the insidiousness brought about by realism. Looking at the two short stories, we find that ravenousness causes decimation. We will compose a custom paper test on The Rocking Horse Winner versus the Destructor or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now In the two stories, the hero is a kid not yet developed. Lawrence makes a kid, Paul, who endeavors to change the karma of himself, however that of his whole family. Greene recounts a kid, T, who drives a pack into destructing the home of an affluent man since it despite everything stands where others around it were crushed by bombs from the war. This prompts the conspicuous difference that one kid is endeavoring the procurement of material products while the other is endeavoring the devastation of material merchandise. Still it remains that in the two cases, covetousness causes demolition of incredible worth. Essentially in the two stories, the boy’s moms could be viewed as the rival since the two of them are exceptionally materialistic and dazzle on the youngsters the should be viewed as superior to other people. Lawrence depicts Paul’s mother, â€Å"felt themselves better than anybody in their neighborhood† and Greene portrays T’s mother, â€Å"considered herself better than the neighbors†. The Rocking Horse Winner† is set in London not long after World War I. â€Å"The Destructor† was set after World War II in a spot where pretty much everything had been pulverized by bombs. The two stories are told as an outsider looking in account. What's more, the two stories end up with a similar subject: insatiability and realism. â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† starts by portraying Paul’s mother, â€Å" There was a lady who was delightful, who began with all the preferences, yet she had no karma. † She clearly turned into an unpleasant and desirous individual incapable to cherish even her youngsters. In light of her avarice and conviction that more cash was constantly required, the house got spooky and was continually reciting, â€Å"There must be more cash. † In this story the house was representative of people’s avarice and endless want to consistently have more. Paul is persuade that no one but karma can carry enough cash into the old house so he embarks to locate his own karma. He finds that karma by wildly riding a toy shaking horse that â€Å"takes him there† so, all things considered he finds the name of the pony that will win the following enormous race. After some time, Paul makes a great deal of cash betting, yet at the expense of his own life at long last. In â€Å"The Destructors†, a gathering of young men choose to demolish the wonderful house that sat alone in the center of a bombsite. The house was emblematic of all they, and the majority of the town, had lost to the war. The proprietor of the house had consistently been benevolent to the young men, yet T didn’t trust anybody or their thought processes. Subsequent to wrecking the house, he told Mr. Thomas â€Å"There’s nothing close to home. † Although the group decimated everything Mr. Thomas had and consumed his life’s investment funds, they took care to ensure Mr. Thomas was not in the house and was not do any harm. So at long last, all his material assets were gone, yet he despite everything had his life. The plot of the two stories was about eagerness and disdain; Paul’s moms insatiability for to an ever increasing extent and failing to be fulfilled and T’s ravenousness of ensuring Mr. Thomas had close to any other individual. The intricacy found in â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner† was found in Paul having to wildly ride the pony at the expense of his own wellbeing so as to discover the name of the following victor. In Destructors, the difficulty was the time it took to wreck the old house from the back to front without anybody seeing before Mr. Thomas came back from his excursion. For each situation, the end result was the decimation that happened on account of eagerness. For Paul, regardless of how fortunate he was and regardless of how much cash he made, he never procured what implied most to him, his mother’s love. At long last, Paul picked up cash and could have bought material things, yet lost his life. What's more, in Greene’s story, despite the fact that T pulverized the home and all it’s magnificence, he spared the life of Mr. Thomas. So for this situation, every single material thing were lost, yet the life was spared. These accounts are here and there altogether different, yet both arrive at a similar resolution †avarice annihilates. Covetousness resembles Satan, it takes and takes yet is perpetually discontent with what it has, it generally needs more. Avarice just prompts demolition. Instructions to refer to The Rocking Horse Winner versus the Destructor, Papers

Friday, August 21, 2020

Free Song of Solomon Essays: Erotica :: Song Solomon essays

Erotica in Song of Solomon   The utilization of erotica can be seen unmistakably in the Tune of Solomon. As a matter of first importance, one must remember that it originates from the book of scriptures so one won't here disgusting things or even words that you know are legitimately discussing sex. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you read intently, you can here the verifiable comments that these youthful darlings is by all accounts making, about every others body, yet in addition about what each might want to do with the other.       The first occasion when that the male of the class discusses his darling he portrays her physical traits. The most clear is the portrayal of her bosom wherein he says, Thy two bosoms resemble two youthful roes that are twins(7:3). At the point when you here this announcement one can just feel that he is alluding to her huge enthusiastic (since she says youthful) superbly round bosom. At the point when he discusses his darlings thighs, he not just lauds them, he depicts what the exceptionally most upper piece of his sweethearts thighs resemble: the joints of thy thighs resemble jewels(7:1). One can just pose the inquiry of how might this individual think about somebody's most upper piece of their thigh, the part that is directly close to the genitalia? This leaves a lot to the creative mind. He additionally discusses her navel saying, thy navel resembles a round challis, which wanteth not liquor(7:2). When attempting to decipher this statement, one shoul d initially remember the way this is occurring during scriptural occasions. During these occasions it was not legitimate for individuals to see, what was then taken a gander at as X-evaluated portions of each other. Obviously the special case to this standard would be if two individuals were hitched (or engaging in extramarital relations). So one can pose the inquiry of how might this individual think about the size and state of someone else's navel, which is covered up underneath regular garments? It appears in addition to the fact that he knows about its size and shape how it tastes. Once more, the creative mind of the peruser is permitted to look through the alternatives.       Not just is there sexual discussion about physical appearances, however there is additionally talk about what will happen when both of them are as only one. She is at one point searching for him and when she discovers him she says that she held him and had him follow her and would not give up, .

Friday, May 15, 2020

The elements of a contract - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 7 Words: 2184 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? 1.0 Introduction I am the Human Resource Manager for a recording company. My director who name Mr. Abu requested me to rent an apartment accommodation for three employees who came from oversea to stay in my state. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The elements of a contract" essay for you Create order So I am as the Human Resources Manager, I am expected to deal with the landlord. I need to find out the main element for binding a valid house rent contract. Apart from that, I need to brief the main element to my directors Mr. Abu and design a contract to show to Mr. Abu. Then, to assume that the landlord claim that my employees was damage the kitchen cabinets after one month they have stay in the rented apartment, so I am expect to write a report to Mr. Abu on what kind of legal solution that might can be taken by the landlord and how I am go to solve the situation and I need to justify my answer to avoid my legal liability on such damage to property in apartment. Apart from that, I need to describe the nature contractual liability arising from the damages that found in the house and whether tenants are partially or wholly liable for damages done to the premises. 2.0 The Main Element for Binding a Valid House Renting Contract 2.1 Offer An offer or proposal for the cr eation of an agreement is necessary. Section 2(a) Contract Act 1950 provides that if a person means another who is willing to do or omit to do something to the consent of the other as the act or abstinence could be obtained, it is said, on to make a suggestion. The first part of the Section 2(c) in the Contracts Act 1950 calls the person who make the proposal promisor. Under the contracts Act 1950 and English Law, an offer or proposal is something which is capable of being changed into the agreement by its acceptance. The proposal should be a definite promise to be bound provided certain specified terms that are accepted. The promisor or also called as the offeror must have stated his willingness to an obligation to undertake certain specific terms, leaving the option of its refusal or acceptance to the offeree, the person to whom that offer is made. Then contract is complete once the offeree is accept the offer. (GILLIES, P, 2004). Thus, offer is one of the parties made a promis e to do or prevent from doing some specified action in the future. (, 2015). Apart from that, the offeror may make the offer to a particular person or to the whole world. 2.2 Acceptance To form a binding valid house renting contract, the offer must have an acceptance. Acceptance of an offer is the offer was accept unambiguously. The acceptance must be an agreement to each of the terms of the offer. Section 2(b) of the contract Act 1950 provides that when a person made signifies his assent thereto to whom, the proposal is said to have been accepted. When a proposal was accepted, it will become a promise. Apart from that, the person that who is accepted the proposal is called promisee. In additional, acceptance must be communicated to the offeror. The communication of acceptance may be express or implied. (Gulshan, Kapoor and Paliwal, 2008). Furthermore, acceptance of any promise which is made in performance or words that could say to be express. In contrast, accep tance that made other than words and performance is say to be implies. For proposal to be changed in a promise, the acceptance of the proposal must be absolute and unqualified, so that the acceptance is complete consensus. Then, if the parties are still bargaining, agreement is still not yet formed and the proposer cannot prescribe silence as a manner of acceptance. 2.3 Intention to Create Legal Relations A statement to be an offer, it must be made with the intention that it be binding upon acceptance. It is also necessity that all the parties to an agreement have an intention to create legal relations which is meaning the parties intend the legal consequences attach to their agreement. (JONES, L, 2013). In short, the parties intend that the agreement will be binding with recourse to some external judge for this enforceability. In determining whether the parties intend their agreement to be legally binding, the courts are guided by two presumptions such as parties to a dome stic or social agreement do not intend to be legally bound and parties to business agreement intend to be legally bound. These are presumptions only and can be rebutted by sufficient evidence to the contrary. 2.4 Consideration Considerations is something of legal value that each party gives to the contract to bind the agreement. (Goldman and Sigismond, 2014). So, the consideration is especially important where the agreement involves a promise to the act in a particular way in future. In exchanges where there is an immediate, simultaneous transfer of, for example, good for money, the doctrine of consideration applies in theory but rarely will causes practical problems. An agreement without consideration can consider is void. Apart from that, consideration need not be adequate and not be too vague. The words consideration defined as when, at the desire of the promisor, the promisee or any other person has done or refused from doing, or does or refused from doing, or promises to do and refused from doing something, such act or abstinence or consider as promise is called a consideration for the promise. 2.5 Certainty Certainty is the terms of a contract are certain when each of the provision is described or explained properly and clearly set forth. (, 2015). The terms of an agreement cannot be vague but must be certain. An agreement which is not capable of being made certain or uncertain is consider as void. An enforceable contract requires certainty of terms. Which means for an agreement to be a contract, it must be apparent what is the terms of the contract are. If the important term in the agreement is not settled, the agreement is not a contract. 2.6 Capacity Capacity to contract is legal and mental ability to understand the nature of an enforceable agreement. (Goldman and Sigismond, 2011). Furthermore, capacity is mean that the legal competence of a person to enter into a valid contract. The parties entering into a contract should be also competent to contract, that is to said, they must have the legal capacity to do so. Capacity refers to the ability of the parties to a contract to fully understand its terms and obligations. For example, a contract made with person mentally unsound, a bankrupt person and person under age 18 in Malaysia is void. Every person is competent to a contract if who is of the age of majority which is eighteen years old to the law to which he is subject, and who is healthy and not disqualified from contract by a law which it is subject there. However, there are some exceptions to this rule which are Contracts for necessaries, Contracts of scholarship and Contracts of insurance as well. 3.0 The Damaged level of kitchen by Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employee Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees have damaged a part of the premise which is kitchenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cabinet. The damaged cabinet has been left for a long period without any maintenance or repair. 3.1Legal action take by landlord Due to Alex Recording employee Sdn Bhd employees had damaged the kitchenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cabinet and left for a long period without any maintenance or repair. Therefore, the landlord is going to take legal actions towards Alex Recording Sdn Bhd based on the rental agreementà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s conditions as follows: (Please refer to Appendix 1.1 Rental Agreement number 11 and 12) 3.2 Landlord takes action to against Alex Recording SdnBhd The landlord will takes civil action to against Alex Recording Sdn Bhd due to Alex Recording Sdn Bhd is breach of contract cases. According to wiseGEEK (no date) has reported that a civil action is usually brought for the purpose of resolving private legal issues that arise between business, people, or other entities. There also mentioned some of the most common kinds of civil actions include family law proceedings, civil rights violations, breach of contract cases, and personal injury lawsuits. Landlord ca nà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t takes criminal action to against Alex Recording Sdn Bhd due to criminal action is brought by government (society) to determine whether the guilty person committed the unlawful act and to determine the accused personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s punishment reported by NDSU (no date). NDSU also reported that criminal action punishment will be imprisonment or a fine paid to the government, and the case of criminal action such as Armed Rubbery. 3.3 The Argument to against landlord According to Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees said that the kitchenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cabinet was broken before they move in. However, Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees still used the cabinet but without repair it. That mean that the cabinet is not broken by Alex Recording Sdn Bhd employees and it should by someone else who had rented the premises before. Basically, Alex Recording Sdn Bhd is not liable to pay the repair fee to the landlord due to the cabinet is not broke by their employees and also the Rental Agreement didnà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢t notice or mention that the RESIDENT should check all the items is on the good condition before move in the premises. 3.4 Element of the contract between Alex Recording Sdn Bhd and landlord Offer Is a proper offer. Acceptance Is a proper acceptance. Consideration The agreement have consideration. Certainly The agreement is certain. Capacity Both parties have legal capacity. Intention to create legal relations -The agreement is intention to create legal relations. (Please refer to Appendix à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“2.1 Case lawà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  to check the similar case) 4.0 Contractual Liability for the damages of house The employees of Alex Recording have damaged the kitchenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s cabinet. Hereby, there are several elements of contract which has existed in this case. The elements are offer, certainty, consideration, capacity, intention to create legal intention as well as acceptance. 4.1 Offer Thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s a valid offer which offered by Alex Recording, which proved by the signature of Director of Alex Recording. Moreover, terms and condition has written down in the contract by offering the landlord to have the signature. 4.2 Acceptance The acceptance in this situation is valid. We assume that the landlord has read the terms and condition only the landlord sign the contract. Meaning to say that the landlord has agreed to the contract before the landlord sign and accept this offer by Alex Rec ording. 4.3 Consideration Thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s consideration in this contract which state in the first terms and condition in the contract, that the Alex Recording will pay RM1300 in advance for the first month as well as the security deposit of RM300, in total is RM2050 are to be paid to the landlord, Lim Wei Shang. 4.4 Certainty This contract is definitely certainty and thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s no vague terms and condition written, and labeled neatly. 4.5 Capacity The offeror and offeree has been officially 18 and above. Apart from that, both of the parties are not mentally unsound. Furthermore, theyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢re not in bankrupt. Thus, this is a valid contract. 4.6 Intention to create legal relation In this case, thereà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s an intention to create legal relation which is business relation between landlord and director. Our party will only agree to take the responsibility of partially liable since the cabinet in the kitchen is alre ady not in a good and well condition before we starting the agreement contract and entered into rented the room. We will only take half of the responsibility as we are only partially liable for the damage of kitchen cabinet. The cabinet is too old can be see it was use many year and it is the landlords responsibility in change of a brand-new or a well-fixed cabinet before renting the room out. The landlord should also be partially liable for the damage as the landlord should take care of the safety of the customer. The landlord had already broken a condition called contributory negligence. As such, we will only be partially liable of the damage as we should not be the only party that should be responsible for the damage. As the supported by judicial precedent which is previous case law. (Please refer to Appendix 3.1 Case Law to check the similar case) 5.0 Conclusion Law can define as the body of customary rules recognized by a community as binding. Apart from that, law is d efining as a body of rules which are enforced by the state. Contract may be defined as an agreement enforceable by law. Contract is an agreement which is legally binding between parties. The main element of law of contract is offer, consideration, certainly, capacity, acceptance of an offer and intention to create legal elations. In conclusion, Alex recording Sdn Bhd only partially liable on the damages of kitchen cabinet because of the kitchen cabinet is already damages before employees of Alex recording is starting the agreement and entered the rental apartment. The landlord should also be partially liable for the damage as the landlord should take care of the safety of the customer. Introduction to Law 1

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Taking a Look at the Missouri Compromise - 766 Words

Missouri Compromise Most white Americans of the 1800’s agreed that the US push western was hard and crucial to good health of this nation. But the big question was at what cost it should be. When President Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana Purchase from the French he was very happy with the thought of gaining the mighty Mississippi river and the port in New Orleans for America interest but if he could only see the can of worms it would open for the newly forming United States. Like many modern day purchase there is always some gray areas that get over looked from time to time. For President Jefferson and Congress it was should any states that got carved out of this area to be admitted to the Union as a slave state or a free state. The Louisiana Purchase had been bought and accepted as a slave territory in 1812, but no other territory had petitioned for statehood until Missouri did in 1818. The incorporation of new eastern states into the United States made slavery a very slippery slope for national politics. In 1818 there were an even amount of states, eleven free and eleven slave states. In 1818 the state of Missouri which was a large slaveholding state petition for statehood to the Union due to its ever growing population. The northern states were in large opposition to this act for fear that the larger slave holding southern states would have too much power in the Senate and House of Representatives. The issue was that the constitution allowed states to count theShow MoreRelatedThe End Of The Civil War1483 Words   |  6 PagesTaking a look through America’s history, even in the original thirteen colonies, there was a distinct line between the North and South. This line differentiated everything from crops to religion. As the country expanded and evolved this line not only become clearer but also started to cause more conflict. Eventually it became clear t hat the North was industrializing and the South wanted to remain an agrarian society. Leading up to the civil war was basically a sibling rivalry of push and shove. OneRead MoreThe Differences between the North and South on the Eve of the Civil War656 Words   |  3 Pagesof the Civil war, both the North and the South had differences, both minor and large. The main difference was Slavery where both sides had a completely dissimilar view point on how the treat black people an example of this is the Missouri compromise in 1820. There were also differences in the rate of industrialisation and Education. The largest difference between the North and the South was the number of free black people. The North had hardly any slaves; however the Read MoreThe Slavery Of The United States935 Words   |  4 Pagesduring James Monroe’s Presidency the Missouri Compromise was approved. The Missouri Compromise essentially regulated the balance for the admittance of Slave and Free States into the Union. In Thomas Fleming’s A Disease in the Public Mind the author, states that with the Compromise’s passing that Jefferson declared that it signaled the end of the Union of the nation as they had once known it. With this idea in mind, Fleming presents how the Missouri Compromise seemed unsettling for Jefferson, whoRead MoreU.s. History And American History1634 Words   |  7 Pagesregion to provide for themselves, and the fact that the practice of slavery gave wealthy farmers the ability to acquire large portions of land in the enormous region, led to an agrarian culture of rugged individualism in the people there. So, when you look at it, you ca n see how the European colonial expansion to the Americas and their gradual understanding of how to take advantage of the resources that were readily available to them in different regions set in motion and developed the specialized economiesRead MoreSlavery And The Civil War1527 Words   |  7 Pageseconomy that depended on pay workers, not slaves In the meantime, the hotter Southern states kept on depending on slaves for their cultivating economy and cotton generation. Southerners made colossal benefits from cotton and slaves and battled a war to look after them. Northerners did not require slaves for their economy and battled a war to free them. Everything else, numerous course books case, was fixing to that monetary distinction and was moored by cotton. The rural economy was absolutely one reasonRead MoreCivil War And Its Greatest Moral, Constitutional, And Political Crisis1248 Words   |  5 Pagestheir intent to leave the Union before he took office the next March. There were attempts at compromise. The Crittenden Compromise would have extended the Missouri Compromise line of 1820, dividing the territories into slave and free, contrary tothe Republican Party s free-soil platform. Lincoln rejected the idea, saying that he will suffer death before he consent ... to any concession or compromise, which looks like buying the privilege to take possession of this government to which they have a constitutionalRead MoreThe Controversial Decisions of the US Government in History3236 Words   |  13 Pagespossession of what is now Missouri. In 1820 After fierce debate, Congress admits Missouri as a slave state. The question of Missouri statehood sparks widespread disagreement over the expansion of slavery. The resolution, eventually known as the Missouri Compromise which allowed Missouri to enter the union as a slave state along with the entrance of the free state of Maine, preserving a balance in the number of free and slave states. The Compromise also dictates that no territoriesRead MoreThe War Of The American Civil War970 Words   |  4 Pagesinfluence after the ratification of the U. S. Constitution it perhaps should not be such a shock that so many lives were lost to not only to war, but disease as emotions of the North and South divided people and stood them against one another. As we look back over history and conflicts as they arise among populations, one central theme of war is the possession of resources from which profit can be made. The areas of the North and South were not immune to this trend and as the divided issue of slaveryRead MoreThe Metropolitan Museum Of Art1484 Words   |  6 PagesMetropolitan Museum of Art, two paintings are exhibited taking place in the 1800s. These artists have similarities and differences viewpoints of the environment in their painting and it helps people get a glance of what the 1800s were like. The first painting was by a man named George Caleb Bingham. Bingham was born March 20, 1811, Augusta County, Virginia to Mary Amend and Henry Vest Bingham and died July 7, 1879, in Kansas City, Missouri. Bingham was a self taught artist. He’s well known forRead MoreSocial Studies : James Monroe1396 Words   |  6 Pagesthe four-year economic failure, also known as the Panic of 1819. Missouri wanted to join the Union in the year of 1818. The North wanted to it to be a free state and the South wanted it to be a slave state. An agreement was made to let Maine be a free state and Missouri to be a slave state. The Missouri Compromise was put into place outlawing slavery in the Louisiana Territory above the parallel 36 30 north, excluding Missouri. Monroe was weary about the document, but to avoid a civil war, he

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Challenges in Highway Road Construction in Nigeria Essay Example For Students

Challenges in Highway Road Construction in Nigeria Essay Dissertation Proposal Challenges in Highway Road Construction in Nigeria. Research Questions: Why is at that place a high figure of main road roads in hapless conditions particularly in the eastern portion of the state? Why is at that place abandoned main road roads across Nigeria despite immense investings in main road building? Why this there a hapless care civilization of roads across the state? Therefore, this proposed thesis would take to turn to this spread in cognition by challenges confronting the main road route building, concentrating more on the supervising of main road roads of autochthonal building companies. Purpose To reexamine and place the challenges confronting the building of main road roads in Nigeria and to supply relevant recommendations for understating these jobs. The aims of this research proposal are: To clearly place the challenges confronting main road building in Nigeria through literature reappraisal. To carry on a questionnaire study and interview of professional organic structures and applied scientists and obtain their perceptual experiences on main road building challenges in Nigeria ( peculiarly professionals with 30years and over of experience ) . Analysis of the study informations. To urge possible alterations in the supervising of main road building in Nigeria. Background Introduction Nigeria is the largest state in Africa in footings of size and population of 174 million with land mass of 923,768 sq. kilometer with diverse cultural and civilizations. It has 36 provinces with the Federal capital at Abuja with commercial provinces at Kano, Lagos, and Port Harcourt stand foring the northern, southern and eastern parts of the state. The Construction industry contributes about 7 % of the GDP ( Gross Domestic Product ) in Nigeria yearly and the GDP per capital was about $ 2,800 in 2013 and is made up of little, medium and big graduated table companies. It is dominated by foreign companies commanding approximately 95 % of the building works across the state with top building companies viz. Julius Berger, Dantana A ; Sowoe, Borini Prono, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation, etc. OVERVIEW OF HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION IN NIGERIA Nigeria has the largest route web in West Africa with a sum of over 193,000km length which is by and large funded and managed by authorities. Road transit is the major agencies of motion in Nigeria and it accounts for approximately 90 % of motion of goods and services ( Akpogomeh, 2002 ) . In footings of graduated table and value, the conveyance substructure sector is dominated by the roads and Bridgess which make up approximately 17.2 % of the entire building industry in 2014. However less than 20 % of the route web is paved. With the government’s committedness to development, big investings in main road roads has been awarded across the state and the sector is expected to turn. The route web in the South and eastern portion of the state are denser than the other parts owing to the high population densenesss in the countries ( Ubogu et al, 2011 ) . For illustration, the population in Lagos is about 6 million which was the former capital province and is the commercial and production portion of the state and hence the volume of use of the main road roads to and fro Lagos is rather high. The entire main road roads are individually owned with the duty for building, care, and rehabilitation.The Federal roads are about 17 % , State owned roads 16 % , rural and Local Government Areas ( LGAs ) about 67 % . The support of the building of the main road roads comes from the allotment of budget and besides grosss from extra rough oil gross revenues. Besides, some provinces generate financess through private partnering which is used in Lagos States. However, merely approximately 27 % of Federal roads are reported to be in good status, of which a major cause is likely to be the instability of the state during the military government, which subsequently became civilian regulation since 1999. Annual loss to the economic system is estimated in the part of N175b ( N75b due to decrease in plus value ; N88b due to increased vehicle runing cost ; N12b due to increased bend about and increased travel clip ) . Due to the high cost of building of main road roads particularly in the southern portion of the state characterized with hapless dirts, high cost of labor, the Federal authorities relies to a great extent on international assistance particularly from China and the World Bank. With the World Bank, funding eroding undertakings across the state worth over $ 500 million. In October 2012, in the Northern portion, Kaduna State approved $ 176million for 31 rural and township roads, and the World Trade Organization ( WTO ) agreed a loan of $ 170million for roads as portion of the Nigeria Agriculture Transformation Agenda ( NATA ) , which targets rural development. Besides, a 128km route contract in Zamafara province worth $ 43.47million was awarded in 2013. Over in western portion of Nigeria November 2012, in one of the biggest route developments, Ogun province awarded four companies a portion of $ 568million for route contracts. Borini Prono, China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation ( CCECC ) , Hi Tech and PW Construction will finish eight new roads by 2014, with a 2nd stage of building worth over $ 250 million. Besides, the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway is one of the major route undertakings under development. The Infrastructure Bank Plc. is to raise NGN117bn for the Reconstruction of the 127km route. Child Labour Is Not Always Bad For Society EssayBesides there is a deficiency of modern method of route building particularly the place based building companies and therefore many main road undertakings, such as main roads and Bridgess, do non run into cost and clip public presentation demands. There is a hapless care civilization of main road roads across the state and with the immense investings in main road building, the mean Nigerian lacks care civilization. In some metropoliss across the state, some of the main roads are constructed without the side drains and in some other instances merely one side of the drains are constructed, which subsequently causes failure of the roads. Besides, litters can be seen in some of the main road roads particularly in the eastern and western parts of the state which is a really serious issue which should be addressed. In the rural countries, most of the side drains are wholly blocked particularly in the eastern portion which is prone to erodings. Another major issue within the main road building in Nigeria is the failure of the Federal Government in paying contractors. For illustration, in the Reconstruction of the 125km Lagos-Ibadan Expressway which was re-awarded to Julius Berger and R.C.C in which the building is due to get down due deficiency of payment by the authorities which is one of the grounds for abandoned main road undertakings across the state. Nigeria still uses the traditional catching attack in which procurance is done through advertizement and command processes has failed in public presentation in both the quality of building and the direction of the main roads, in many developed states following performance-based contract in route building and care. The Federal Ministry of Works which has subdivisions across the 36 provinces with caput office in Abuja the capital is responsible for all the federal main roads building which involves planning, design, building, and rehabilitation. It is responsible for presenting for major main road contracts across the state. It besides supervises and proctors building and care of the federal roads. In footings of quality, the pick of stuffs used, methodological analysis and supervising are key in bettering the quality and life span roads. In this respect, ( Arumala 1987 ; and Akpododje 1986 ) investigated how the design criterions, hapless supervising and the failure of main roads and found little or no grounds back uping it. Besides, surveies on route failure caused by usage of sub-standard stuffs and cognition on the geotechnical belongingss of the dirts in which the roads are built ( Ibrahim 1980 ; and Ola 1978 ) . For illustration, the cost of route building in the South and eastern portion of the state is higher than that in the northern portion chiefly on the bad conditions of the dirt, high cost of labor and handiness of building stuffs. The British codification of Highway pattern ( BS codifications ) are still used in Nigeria for both in main road building and edifices as it was a former settlement of the Britain and presently a member of the Common Wealth. The Federal ministry besides supervises the activities of the Federal Roads Maintenance Agency ( FERMA ) which is responsible for carryout care works on the federal and province main roads across the state. Research Method My proposed research method would be a qualitative research ( questionnaire and interview study ) . Interview study for adviser applied scientists who have over 30 years’ experience in main road building and questionnaire study for contractors in main road building in Nigeria. The ground being that the research requires an in deepness position and in footings of Numberss there are few applied scientists with over 30 years’ experience I can run into. The construction of the interview would be semi structured to let for flexibleness for 3 adviser applied scientists home based average scale houses. Possible Problems A ; Potential Solutions Possible restrictions to my proposed survey is the foremost the clip direction and a timetable has been drafted as shown below. Besides the reactivity of the interview study could be disputing happening professional applied scientists and advisers with over 30 years’ experience. The research limited to place based building companies and professionals. Decision Hopefully, at the terminal of research work, solutions could be recommended in the main road building industry in Nigeria particularly in the supervising country which would assist in future planning of undertakings. Mentions Alaba Adetola, ( 2011 ) A critical assessment of route conveyance substructure direction in Nigeria International council for research and invention CIB, pp.77-95. Abdulkareem, Y. and Adeoti, K. ( 2003 ) , Road care and National Development available at Adams, O. ( 1995 ) Indigenous Contractors’ Perceptions of the restraints on Contractors Performance and Development Programmes required in Nigeria. Habitat International, 19 ( 4 ) , pp.599-613. Adetola, A. ( 2011 ) A critical assessment of route conveyance substructure direction in Nigeria. International council for research and invention CIB, pp.77-95. Aibinu, A. and Jagboro, G. ( 2002 ) The effects of Construction Industry, international Journal of Project Management. 20 ( 8 ) , pp.593-599. Nigerian Infrastructure study, 2013 ; 2014. ( 2014 ) . A.E Okezie ( 2013 ) A instance for Performance based route care in Nigeria available at Odeh, A. and Battaineh, H. ( 2002 ) Causes of building holds: traditional contracts. International Journals of Project Management, 20, pp.67-73. Okigbo, N. ( 2012 ) Causes of Highway failures in Nigeria. International Journal for Engineering Science and Technology, 4 ( 11 ) .