Friday, December 27, 2019

Tea, coffee and cola are three major beverages widely...

Tea, coffee and cola are three major beverages widely consumed in the world. Tea was found during the early of Chinese civilizations, the use of tea is not tight as a beverages but its use for medicine too (Mckay Blumberg, 2002). Tea is a beverage made from the young leaves of a plant Camellia Sinensi which originated in Asia (Cabrera, Gimenez, Lopez, 2003). However, the features of tea from different countries may have different appearance, aroma, and flavor characteristic. In general, tea can classified into four major categories that are green tea, white tea, black tea, and oolong tea (refer to Figure 1 in Appendix 1). The first type of tea is green tea. It is a regular selected among people because every grocery store offers green†¦show more content†¦Next, the second type of tea is white tea. White tea is famous in United State and Europe. According to Chi, Jen and Fereidoon (2009), this tea was discovered from the Tang Dynasty and then become the royal choice in Chin a. This type of tea is the first harvested compared to other forms of tea (Russell and Blaylock, 2007). Compare with other types of tea, white tea is most expensive. The high demand of the product but only little supply makes it so valuable. In addition, it has unique characteristics which describe by its flavor, appearance and the process. Chi et al. stated that the unique flavor own by white tea derived from its particular breed, place and process method which produce sweet, light and refresh taste. Not only that, this tea also produced from spring season with unique sensory (Hilal and Engelhardt, 2007).The appearance looks elegant and natural after finish processing. The most unique features have by white tea is from its plucking style. The plucking style are either to pluck the pure bud, bud or two leaves or leaves without bud (Chi et al, 2009). As stated in Hilal and Engelhardt (2007) studies, the process of making white tea based on the traditional way. It needs the least dryi ng without any fermentation process which will produce the greatest benefit compare to other types of tea. Other than that, this minimal process will keep the flimsy white leaf hair asShow MoreRelatedIndian Beverage Industry Report15071 Words   |  61 PagesREPORT ON INDIAN BEVERAGE INDUSTRY 1. Beverage Overview------------------------------------------------------ 3 2. Indian Beverage Industry----------------------------------------------- 4 3. Share of Volume by Beverage Category of India---------------------- 7 4. Per Capita Consumption In India--------------------------------------- 8 5. Key Figures on Indian Beverage Industry------------------------------ 9 6. Factors driving developmentsRead MoreAnalysis of Marketing Strategy of Coca Cola and Pepsico12414 Words   |  50 PagesOF MARKETING STRATEGY OF COCA COLA AND PEPSICO PROJECT REPORT ON â€Å"ANALYSIS OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF COCA COLA AND PEPSICO† UNDER GUIDANCE OF: MR. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Power Of Words And Language - 2064 Words

The Power of words and Language in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web: Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland and E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web, both use a wide vocabulary and a play on words, that may not be familiar to the young readers whom they are intended for, but the use of these words aid in the themes of the novel and the overall plots of the works. This specific use of words and a focus on the language aids in the salvation of Wilbur in Charlotte’s Web, and the Knave in Alice in Wonderland, brings a since of togetherness to characters, shows the innocence and naivety of the characters, and add humor to the story. Both of these writers are known for their writing styles and the craft of using†¦show more content†¦As the novel progresses, Charlotte the spider makes it her mission to insure that Wilbur will not meet the ax once again in the wintertime. She does this by writing words like â €Å"some pig† (White 77), â€Å"terrific† (White 94), and â€Å"radiant† (White 114) to make the Zuckerman’s realize that Wilbur is a special pig and should be saved. It is because of these words that Charlotte spins in her web that Mr. Zuckerman decides to take Wilbur, the now famous pig to the county fair, which in the end ends up being the final key to saving his life. While White uses his words and language as a way of having the other characters save Wilbur, Carroll uses his word choices to show that Alice often has to save herself from the trouble that she often causes for herself. Carroll uses his word choices and his plays on puns to create a story in which little Alice finds herself in troublesome situations from the time that she follows the white rabbit down the rabbit hole. In many ways, Alice needs to be saved from herself when she is in Wonderland, for she keeps insulting the creatures that she comes across by bringing up things that will eat them or saying that she herself has eaten them. One example of this is when Alice encounters the little mouse in the puddle of her tears. She starts talking to the mouse

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Investigators Meeting on Quantitative Problems †MyAssignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Investigators Meeting on Quantitative Problems. Answer: Introduction: The report has been the critical discussions on the decisions from management in StayTogether. The StayTogether is the team of ten groups of hotels. The hotels decided to assimilate the business in order to prevent the problems arising in the current global market scenario. This is expected to be performed by low price hotel accommodations. Here the management decisions are identified that have been used to put influence over customer choice. The report has also created various recommendations. This has been done by the different processes of ICT. This has been done to gain the competitive benefits in market against competitors. Moreover, different assumptions are also shown. This includes the application development done internally by an IT group within the group of hotel chains. The objective of the gathering of the hotels has been the new clients from the contenders, brand dependability, continued support and client decision. Subsequently, four choices are identified here. They would in all probability or least likely push them in accomplishing their aims. The four choices from administration are loyalty scheme, free buffet breakfast and dinner, rebates and social responsibilities. The "loyalty programs" have been the organized systems for showcasing created by the shippers. This is done to energize the clients so that they keep shopping (Noble, Esmark and Noble, 2014). They may be additionally utilizing the business administration related with each program. Consequently, the data is uncovered about the clients. For instance the most loved brand of beer or hisher decision to be veggie lover or non-vegan could be incorporated into such data. This data assembled could be used in detailing the messages of promoting. This is needed to be exceptionally changed in accordance with the necessities of the clients. The loyalty clubs of the inns might offer advantage for voyagers every now and again. Free buffet breakfast and dinner: The control of sustenance cost of the lodgings ought to be around an "Exchange model". Stock must be included each month every scene. This ought to incorporate more than one eatery, room administrations, feasts, conceivable candy machines and minibars. The merchandise must be received primarily in a specific manner (Zaitlen et al., 2016). The development of various advantage focuses is to be followed over the exchange sheets. It is not regular that the smorgasbords and the feasts have been conveying extensive rate from the general volume of deals. The associations require indicating light over the exertion and time as used. This is completed by finishing those exchange sheets including the cost of the counts included. The group ought to grasp the consideration of the clients over primary requirements like growing guest satisfaction and cutting down working costs. They likewise require helping customers by accomplishing a more noteworthy measure of business targets. To meet customer's business specific prerequisites, the gathering must offer activities, things and associates to help in rolling out right imperativeness efficiency improvements. Abuse of this exhibited contribution ought to be done in helping the neighborliness organizations. The association ought to get the upsides of different hospitality programs (Migdal, 2015). The projects that could help are the benefits of the neighborliness programs. It ought to likewise incorporate the addition of guest solaces. Giving of additionally ameliorating visitor experience is meant to be delivered. The workplaces are to be continued running more reliably and productively. The social obligation of business alludes to various duties or commitments or parts that the business-affiliation has for the general public. This has been inside which they have been working from. All things considered, the social commitment of business contains certain commitments towards substances (Benavides-Velasco, Quintana-Garca and Marchante-Lara, 2014). They have duties towards the shareholders or theorists who are adding to the assets for the business. It ought to likewise incorporate the specialists and other staffs. There is an obligation towards the customers or consumes or people who possibly uses their yields. The administration and neighborhood administrative bodies controlling their business practices in their domains are additionally to be considered. Difference between information technology and information system: The Information Technology or IS and the Information Technology IT have been oftentimes seen to be similar. Usually, the IT is the subset of the IS. The acknowledgment that the words are used correspondingly could create confusing. This befuddles the general population looking for an innovation related job. In spite of the fact that both the divisions oversee computers, they get diverse traits and specific ways of job requiring particular direction and get ready (Galegher, Kraut and Egido, 2014). The Information Systems is the umbrella concept for the structures, people and methodology proposed for making, storing and controlling, scattering and spreading information. The field of information system traverses business and programming building. One reason people might not perceive IS and IT has been that they anticipate that all IS will be computer based structures. An IS, regardless, is as essential as pencil and paper. Specific, the components are simply basically gadgets (Kellermann and Jones, 2013). Regarding the choices of customers they are utilized for securing, guaranteeing, getting ready, securing, transmitting, and recuperating information. For the continued patronages, the ICT programs are intended to allow the administration to manage the administration provisions with activities to construct connections (Lee, Thomas and Baskerville, 2015). For brand loyalty, the clients have been faithful about picking their brands. This is notwithstanding the impact of most recent IT on essential learning about the administrations and items (Or and Tao, 2014). Recommendations: Keeping in mind the end goal to pull in most recent clients and other new business scopes the accompanying recommendations are prescribed: Without earlier information of the gathering perfect client, the plausible approach search for ideal customers can not be resolved (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). Discovering the regions where the clients remain: Offline potential and bounty clients could be met at meetings and conventions. Knowing the inner parts and outs of the business: The careful comprehension of the business and having firm research regarding administrations has been the basics for attracting interested customers. Conclusion: There are four choices shaping the administration to accomplish their point as talked about in the report. The "IS" is known in one configuration or substitute for the essential resources of basic making of decision. Regardless, with the happening to IT, the IS have ended up being more refined. Their usage increased over a wide range of various foundations. IT helped in managing colossal measurement for data into significant and productive information. Used together, they create a system to record information. Notwithstanding the way that IS has been strongly subject to computers and other advanced machines the word begins before computers. Further this can fuse non-mechanical structures too. References: Benavides-Velasco, C. A., Quintana-Garca, C., Marchante-Lara, M. (2014). Total quality management, corporate social responsibility and performance in the hotel industry.International Journal of Hospitality Management,41, 77-87. Breugelmans, E., Bijmolt, T. H., Zhang, J., Basso, L. J., Dorotic, M., Kopalle, P., ... Wnderlich, N. V. (2015). Advancing research on loyalty programs: a future research agenda.Marketing Letters,26(2), 127-139. Broussard, J. L., Kilkus, J. M., Delebecque, F., Abraham, V., Day, A., Whitmore, H. R., Tasali, E. (2016). Elevated ghrelin predicts food intake during experimental sleep restriction.Obesity,24(1), 132-138. Castronova, A. M., Goodall, J. L., Ercan, M. B. (2013). Integrated modeling within a hydrologic information system: an OpenMI based approach.Environmental Modelling Software,39, 263-273. Davenport, T. H. (2013).Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Falkenberg, E. D., Hesse, W., Oliv, A. (Eds.). (2016).Information System Concepts: Towards a consolidation of views. Springer. Galegher, J., Kraut, R. E., Egido, C. (2014).Intellectual teamwork: Social and technological foundations of cooperative work. Psychology Press. Galliers, R. D., Leidner, D. E. (2014).Strategic information management: challenges and strategies in managing information systems. Routledge. Grabara, J., Kolcun, M., Kot, S. (2014). The role of information systems in transport logistics.International Journal of Education and Research,2(2), 28-36. Grabara, J., Kolcun, M., Kot, S. (2014). The role of information systems in transport logistics.International Journal of Education and Research,2(2), 28-36. Holtshouse, D. K. (2013).Information technology for knowledge management. U. M. Borghoff, R. Pareschi (Eds.). Springer Science Business Media. Kellermann, A. L., Jones, S. S. (2013). What it will take to achieve the as-yet-unfulfilled promises of health information technology.Health Affairs,32(1), 63-68. Laudon, K. C., Laudon, J. P. (2013). Management Information Systems 13e. Lee, A. S., Thomas, M., Baskerville, R. L. (2015). Going back to basics in design science: from the information technology artifact to the information systems artifact.Information Systems Journal,25(1), 5-21. Migdal, N. (2015).Hotel Law: Transactions, Management and Franchising. Routledge. Noble, S. M., Esmark, C. L., Noble, C. H. (2014). Accumulation versus instant loyalty programs: The influence of controlling policies on customers' commitments.Journal of Business Research,67(3), 361-368. Or, C. K., Tao, D. (2014). Does the use of consumer health information technology improve outcomes in the patient self-management of diabetes? A meta-analysis and narrative review of randomized controlled trials.International journal of medical informatics,83(5), 320-329. Ritz-Carlton: Data Is Nothing Without the Personal Touches Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Schwalbe, K. (2015).Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. Shapiro, C., Varian, H. R. (2013).Information rules: a strategic guide to the network economy. Harvard Business Press. Stabile, M., Cooper, L. (2013). Review article: the evolving role of information technology in perioperative patient safety.Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d'anesthsie,60(2), 119-126. Vaishnavi, V. K., Kuechler, W. (2015).Design science research methods and patterns: innovating information and communication technology. Crc Press. Zaitlen, N., Lappalainen, T., Hoffman, M., Ayroles, J., Listgarten, J. (2016). Early Career Investigators Meeting on Quantitative Problems in Human Health and Genetics.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Psychotherapy and Group free essay sample

The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy. Moreno developed a specific and highly structured form of group therapy known as  Psychodrama. Another recent development is the theory and method of group psychotherapy based on an integration of systems thinking is Yvonne Agazarians systems-Centered approach (SCT), which sees groups functioning within the principles of system dynamics. Her method of functional subgrouping introduces a method of organizing group communication so it is less likely to react counterproductively to differences. SCT also emphasizes the need to recognize the phases of group development and the defenses related to each phase in order to best make sense and influence group dynamics. Furthermore the psychoanalytic concept of the unconscious was extended with a recognition of a group unconscious, in which the unconscious processes of group members could be acted out in the form of irrational processes in group sessions. Foulkes developed the model known as  Group Analysis  and the  Institute of Group Analysis, while Bion was influential in the development of group therapy at the  Tavistock Clinic. We will write a custom essay sample on Psychotherapy and Group or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Bion has been criticised, by Yalom,  for his technical approach which had an exclusive focus on analysis of whole-group processes to the exclusion of any exploration of individual group members issues. Despite this, his recognition of group defences in the Basic Assumption Group, has been highly influential. Universality The recognition of shared experiences and feelings among group members and that these may be widespread or universal human concerns, serves to remove a group members sense of isolation, validate their experiences, and raise self-esteem Altruism The group is a place where members can help each other, and the experience of being able to give something to another person can lift the members self esteem and help develop more adaptive coping styles and interpersonal skills. Instillation of hope In a mixed group that has members at various stages of development or recovery, a member can be inspired and encouraged by another member who has overcome the problems with which they are still struggling. Imparting information While this is not strictly speaking a psychotherapeutic process, members often report that it has been very helpful to learn factual information from other members in the group. For example, about their treatment or about access to services. Corrective recapitulation of the primary family experience Members often  unconsciously  identify the group therapist and other group members with their own parents and siblings in a process that is a form of  transference  specific to group psychotherapy. The therapists interpretations can help group members gain understanding of the impact of childhood experiences on their personality, and they may learn to avoid unconsciously repeating unhelpful past interactive patterns in present-day relationships. Development of socializing techniques The group setting provides a safe and supportive environment for members to take risks by extending their repertoire of interpersonal behaviour and improving their social skills Imitative behaviour One way in which group members can develop social skills is through a  modeling  process, observing and imitating the therapist and other group members. For example, sharing personal feelings, showing concern, and supporting others. Cohesiveness It has been suggested  that this is the primary therapeutic factor from which all others flow. A cohesive group is one in which all members feel a sense of belonging, acceptance, and validation. Existential factors Learning that one has to take responsibility for ones own life and the consequences of ones decisions. Catharsis Experience of relief from emotional distress through the free and uninhibited expression of emotion. When members tell their story to a supportive audience, they can obtain relief from chronic feelings of shame and guilt. Interpersonal learning Group members achieve a greater level of  self-awareness  through the process of interacting with others in the group, who give feedback on the members behaviour and impact on others. Self-understanding This factor overlaps with interpersonal learning but refers to the achievement of greater levels of insight into the genesis of ones problems and the unconscious motivations that underlie ones behaviour. Settings Group therapy can form part of the therapeutic  milieu  of a psychiatric in-patient unit  or ambulatory psychiatric  Partial hospitalization  (also known as Day Hospital treatment)  In addition to classical talking therapy, group therapy in an institutional setting can also include group-based  expressive therapies  such as  drama therapy,  psychodrama,  art therapy, and non-verbal types of therapy such as  music therapy. Group psychotherapy is a key component of  Milieu Therapy  in a  Therapeutic Community. The total environment or milieu is regarded as the medium of therapy, all interactions and activities regarded as potentially therapeutic and are subject to exploration and interpretation, and are explored in daily or weekly community meetings A form of group therapy has been reported to be effective in psychotic adolescents and recovering addicts. Projective psychotherapy  uses an outside text such as a novel or motion picture to provide a stable  delusion for the former cohort and a safe focus for repressed and suppressed emotions or thoughts in the latter. Patient groups read a novel or collectively view a film. They then participate collectively in the discussion of plot, character motivation and author motivation. In the case of films, sound track, cinematography and background are also discussed and processed. Under the guidance of the therapist, defense mechanisms are bypassed by the use of signifiers and semiotic processes. The focus remains on the text rather than on personal issues. [16]  It was popularized in the science fiction novel,  Red Orcs Rage. Group therapy is now often utilized in private practice settings (Gardenswartz, 2009, Los Angeles, CA). Good outcomes have also been demonstrated for this form of group therapy.